- O Curso R
- Tutoriais
- Apostila
- 6. Testes de Hipótese (em preparação!)
- Exercícios
- Material de Apoio
- Área dos Alunos
- Cursos Anteriores
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ClustDistSpat <-function(pts, X, Y, lon, lat) { require("maptools") require("ggmap") require("ggplot2") require("plyr") require("fossil") pts1_a<-readShapePoints("pts") pts1<-as.data.frame(pts1_a) #Obtain the layers from Google Maps map <- get_map(location = c(lon=lon, lat=lat),zoom = "auto") # map zoom, an integer from 3 (continent) to 21 (building) ggmap(map) mapPoints <- ggmap(map) + geom_point(aes(X =X, Y =Y), data=pts1, alpha = .5) ##Cluster analysis dist.g <- earth.dist(pts1) kmean <- kmeans(dist.g,centers=5) #centers is the number of clusters k hcluster <- hclust(dist.g,method="complete") clust <- cutree(hcluster, k=5 ) set.seed(123) pts1a$clust <- cutree(hcluster,k=5) results<- ggmap(map)+geom_point(data=pts1, aes(x=X, y=Y, color=factor(clust)), size=4)+ scale_color_discrete("Cluster") + coord_fixed() return (results) }