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Função collocations: collocations.r
Help da função: help-collocations.txt
collocations package:none R Documentation Extract collocations for a target word from a given raw text. Description: collocations receives a text and a target word and select the sentences from the text which contain the target word. From those sentences, the co-occurrences between target word and the other words which are above a certain threshold will constitue the set of collocations. Usage: collocates(thetext, targetword, ncollmax) Arguments: thetext character. Text given by the user in .txt format and UTF-8 encoding. targetword character. Any word the user has chosen from the text. It will the reference for the extraction of the collocations. ncollmax numeric. Maximum number of collocates to be displayed on the graph generated by the function. In case the number of extracted collocates is less than the stipulated maximum, then ncollmax will be ignored. Details: The function may not work well depending on the size of the text file given even though some optimizations were tried such as using environments hash to count faster the words' occurrences. Value: Instead of returning values, collocates generates one text file and another file for a barplot in png format. Both are saved in the workspace being used to run the function. Warning: Depending on the size of the text file, the function may get too slow or not work. As a suggestion, the usar can exeriment the function with different text sizes. See Examples for a simple teste of the function. Author: Viviane Santos da Silva viviane.sds90@gmail.com viviane.santos.silva@usp.br References: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/R_Programming/Text_Processing Last access in may 18th 2014. About environments and hash argument: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html (There has been created a hash function to optimize the use of hashes, but it only works for later versions of R. Read "See Also") Download of non-annotaded corpora for testing the function: http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/download.html Last access in may 15th 2014. To understand a little bit more about collocations in a more intuitive way: http://esl.fis.edu/grammar/easy/colloc.htm See Also: For more information on hash usage in R, see: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hash/index.html, http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hash/hash.pdf and http://opendatagroup.wordpress.com/2009/07/26/hash-package-for-r/. Examples: # Download the file "teste-texto-bbc.txt" in (http://ecologia.ib.usp.br/bie5782/doku.php?id=bie5782:01_curso_atual:alunos:trabalho_final: viviane.santos.silva:start) and save it to your R workspace to run this example. collocates(thetext="test-text-bbc.txt", targetword="fiction", ncollmax=10) # generates a barplot for the 10 first collocates which co-occur with the target word "film" in the text given.
##### FUNCTION TO EXTRACT COLLOCATIONS FROM RAW TEXTS ##### collocations <- function(thetext, targetword, ncollmax) { ## Reading the text ## text <- scan(thetext, character(0), quote = NULL, sep = "\n", allowEscapes = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8") # reads text input in .txt format textstring <- tolower(paste(text, collapse = "")) # converts upper-case characters to lower-case # textstring textclean1 <- gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:]'’\\.]", "", textstring) # removes from the textstring all ist characters, except alphabetic, spaces, apostrophes and period textclean2 <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", ' ', textclean1) # substitutes multiple spaces that may accidentally appear in the text for simple space character textclean3 <- gsub("\\. ", '.', textclean2) # substitute "period+space" for period only (to avoid future problems with the extraction of words from the begnings of the paragraphs) textdotsplit <- strsplit(textclean3, split='\\.') # separate the text by its sentences using the periods to guide this process txtw <- list() # creating an empty list # iterating to split the text to make it possible to access its words individually for (i in 1:length(textdotsplit[[1]])){ txtw[i] <- strsplit(textdotsplit[[1]][i], split=' ') # txtw is now a list of lists, each inner list corresponding to a sentence with indexes to access its words } ## Creating a dictionary to save word occurrences ## wordcounter <- function(sentencelist){ # function to transform a list of list such as txtw into a dictionary containing words counts wordcount <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent = emptyenv()) # initializing the dictionary for (i in seq(1:length(sentencelist))){ sentence <- sentencelist[[i]] # this was made to make the code easier to read, avoiding excessive '[' notation for (j in seq(1:length(sentence))){ eachword <- sentence[j] # 'eachword' is accessing each of the words from the text given if (is.null(wordcount[[eachword]])) { # dictionary's new entry wordcount[[eachword]] <- list(value=1) } else{wordcount[[eachword]]$value <- wordcount[[eachword]]$value + 1 # updates existing entry } } } return(wordcount) } ## Creating a named list from a dictionary ## ordnamedlist <- function(dict){ # tranform dictionary into list and sort it by its values occlist <- list() # creats an empty list i <- 1 for (w in ls(dict)) { # transform dictionary into a list occlist[[i]] <- list(name=w, value=dict[[w]]$value) # extracts words and their corresponding number of occurrences from the environment hash i <- i+1 } occlist[order(as.numeric(sapply(occlist, "[", "value")), decreasing=T)] # applies the '[' function through the sapply to the named list created # and extract its values, which will be used by the as.numeric to generate a simple numeric vector which, in turn, will be sorted by the # order function to ordenate the values returning their positions that will be "given" back to occlist and will automatically order it } wcount <- wordcounter(txtw) # calling the function that turns a list of lists into a dictionary wcountsort <- ordnamedlist(wcount) # transforming the wcount (dictionary) into an ordered list ## Creating a file containing the words and their counts ## namefile <- "wordscounts.txt" # just to make it easier to change the file name if one prefer write("words\tcounts", file=namefile) # generates a file containing 2 column-headers: words and counts. avoids problems if the user call this function more than once (function countsfile right below calls a write function which is using append=T) print("A file named 'wordscounts.txt', containing your text words and their counts has been generated. Feel free to explore it (:") # so the user will know a file has been generated countsfile <- function(l){ # function to be used by the lapply to print properly in the file words and their counts write(paste(c(l$name, l$value), collapse="\t"), file=namefile, append=T) } trash <- lapply(wcountsort, countsfile) # calling the function to generate a file. the variable 'trash' is being attributed the lapply output for this was generating NULL values and, apparently, R has nothing like a procedure function (a function that returns nothing). ## Finding the co-occurrences ## hastarget <- function(wlist, target){ # checks if the lists (sentences) in wlist has the target word target %in% wlist # the test is made using the logical function %in% } sbin <- which(sapply(txtw, hastarget, targetword)) # function 'which' returns the positions of the lists from txtw tested by the hastarget function and that were marked "TRUE" tsentences <- txtw[sbin] # tsentences receives only those sentences containing the target word cooccurrences <- wordcounter(tsentences) # creates a dicitionary with the counts of the words from the sentences which contains the target word occlistsort <- ordnamedlist(cooccurrences) # sorts the created dictionary of co-occurrences ## Calculating cooccurrences words frequencies ## wtotal <- sum(sapply(txtw, length)) # total number of words in the text stotal <- sum(sapply(tsentences, length)) # total number of words in the subtext (sentences which contained the target word) ## Creating a dictionary for the frequencies of the co-occurrences ## wfreqs <- function(countlist, total){ # countlist is a named list containing names and associated values and total is the amount of words in the portion of text from which this countlist was generated freqs <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent = emptyenv()) for (i in seq(1:length(countlist))){ eachword <- countlist[[i]]$name freqs[[eachword]]$value <- (countlist[[i]]$value/total) # calculating the frequencies of the words } return(freqs) } tfreqs <- wfreqs(wcountsort, wtotal) # calling the functions that creates the frequency dictionary for the whole text cfreqs <- wfreqs(occlistsort, stotal) # calling the functions that creates the frequency dictionary for the sentences of the text that contains the target ## Creating a dictionary for the frequencies of the relevant words ## testocc <- function(ftotal, fsent){ ratio <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent = emptyenv()) for (w in ls(fsent)){ if(tfreqs[[w]] > 0.0001 & wcount[[w]]$value > 5){ # discarding words with frequencies in the text below 0.01% or, for a text with less than 5000 words, discarding those words with freqs less than 2 ratio[[w]]$value <- fsent[[w]]$value/ftotal[[w]]$value # this important parameter will be used to judge whether or not a word w is forming a collocation with the target. if this value is 0.5, it means there is no diference between the distribution of the word w considered alone and its distribution given the target (and that's the null model). the max of this ratio will be 'wtotal/stotal'. the minimum will be 1 (when every occurrence of w meets every occurrence of the target) } } return(ratio) } relevfreqs <- testocc(tfreqs, cfreqs) # dictionary containing words and their ratios relevfreqslist <- ordnamedlist(relevfreqs) # ordered list od the dictionary created ## Extracting collocates ## threshold <- 2 # only words which appear twice as often will be considered collocates candidates selectcoll <- function(l){ # will be used to select the collocations comparing the candidate words' ratios and the chosen threshold l$value > threshold } collindex <- which(sapply(relevfreqslist, selectcoll)) # selecting the collocates' indexes collocates <- relevfreqslist[collindex] # using the extracted indexes, collocates access the correct collocates from the relevfreqlist (list of relevant words and their frequencies) n <- as.numeric(ncollmax) if(length(collocates) > n){ # test to check if there are more collocates than the number the user wants to display on the graph collocates <- collocates[1:n] } if(length(collocates) == 0) { print(paste("Couldn't find any collocate for the '", targetword,"' chosen. Maybe you can try a more frequent word.")) return(invisible()) } ## Plotting a barplot displaying the n most probable collocates ## collnames <- sapply(collocates, function(l) l$name) # generating a vector containing the words which were selected as being collocates collratios <- sapply(collocates, function(l) as.numeric(l$value)) # collocates ratio (or the degree of the collocations extracted) png("barplot-collocates.png") barplot(collratios, names.arg = collnames, las=2, main=paste("Collocates of", targetword), ylab="Collocations ratios", ylim=c(0, max(collratios)+0.5)) # graph dysplaying the results of the function dev.off() }