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data.gen {AMC} R Documentation Imaginary data generator Description: Generates a two-factor randomized blocks factorial design data frame. Usage: data.gen(nb,int,varb,vare,efA,efB,efAB) Arguments: nb Number of blocks. int intercept (theoretic control mean). varb, sets the diferences between blocks means and the error term, respectively. vare efA, sets the effect of factors A and B and the interaction effects from combination of both efB, factors. efAB Details: Data frame is constructed based on a linear model as follows: y ~ a + b*x + c*z + d*xz + block + e , where x is the factor A, z is the factor B, xz is the interaction between them, block is the block effect, and e is the error term. Block effect is treated as a random factor whereas A and B are fixed ones. Value: The factors created are in the form of dummy variables, considering two possible levels to each factor: presence (1) or absence (0) of a treatment. The response variable is called "resp" and is rounded two decimal places. Warning: The distribution used to generate data are the Gaussian one and the variances among groups are homogeneous. Block effect is not allowed to interact with the other two factors, once there are no replication within each block. Author(s): Original version by Marcel Vaz marcel.vaz@usp.br References: Gotelli, N. J. and Ellison, A. M. (2004) A primer of ecological statistics. Sinauer Associates. See also: anova.power to test ANOVA power against different number of blocks, variance values etc. Examples: data=data.gen(10,50,8,3,12,15,5) mod=aov(resp ~ A*B + Error(bloco/(A*B)),data=data) summary(mod)